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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac odio at magna egestas dapibus varius quis enim. Morbi quam ante, tempus eget hendrerit consequat, commodo ac nunc. Sed porta, leo vulputate dignissim auctor, sapien ante dignissim nisl, at mollis lorem tellus quis tortor. Sed ipsum nulla, auctor id commodo accumsan, dignissim ultrices sapien. Sed eget ligula a dolor porta iaculis in in neque.

May 30, 2013

The reason the Lion did not have to do as the Witch wished was that every night, while the woman was asleep, Dorothy carried him food from the cupboard. After he had eaten he would lie down on his bed of straw, and Dorothy would lie beside him and put her head on his soft, shaggy mane, while they talked of their troubles and tried to plan some way to escape. But they could find no way to get out of the castle, for it was constantly guarded by the yellow Winkies, who were the slaves of the Wicked Witch and too afraid of her not to do as she told them.